Friday 10 June 2016

Failing is not Losing

There are few people who say "If you fail, you will losing all of
it" . At first, I thought that word is true. When I was form 2 I was in A
class. I am too lazy to study and too confident that I will get a high score.
On end-term exam, I cannot give such a perfect answer to get full marks and it
ends with being at B class when I went to form 3. I am so embarrassing to face
my classmate. After that, I remember the words that I always heard "If you
fail, you will losing all of it" , my heart start to felt that I cannot
get up anymore because I do not have a spirit to study anymore. I start to give
up at the beginning. One day, I watch anime because I do not want to study. The
anime calls 'Assassination Classroom'. On Assassination Classroom anime, there
are few students in Kunugigaoka Junior High school who are always getting the
lowest score on test and exam, so they end up on E class which it calls 'End
Class'. Even they were in End class, they do not give up on studying. At the
end, they all get top 50 on end-term exam semester 2. I am so curious why they
still do not give up even they being at E class. Their studying spirit makes me
move on. On that time, I start to think "What will happen if I do the same
thing like them?". I always thinking about it every time and I decide to
start studying with all my best. March test will begin, teachers starts to
distribute the test paper. When the test starts, I am too afraid to answer it,
I cannot stop shaking. I start to think negative things will happen to me. I
felt like I want to run away because I am too afraid that I will fail again.
Suddenly, I remember something that makes me stop shaking "You cannot
change the choice you made, all you can do is not let it ruin you". I know
that words from one of E class who are the smartest, Karma Akabane. After that
,I try to calm myself and start to answer all the question with all my best. After
the test is over, I got number 1 in my class,  I am too shocked when I knew it. At that time,
I started to realize that "If you fail, you will losing all of it" is
not true and started to think that "Failing is not losing".

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